Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ty and Jewels: new milestones

Julianna is such a darn trip. She is talking so much and saying the silliest little things. She loves the one on one time she is getting from Ethan being in school. Her favorite is the park where she always wants me to chase her and screams nanny-nanny boo-boo. (sorry about the spelling?) She is potty training and prances around in her big girl underwear all day. Her hobbies include drawing, playing with her babies, anything Elmo, and of course eating. She is such pig! Ty is my sweet little saving grace. He is so precious and always wants to be held. He now has 2 teeth that just came through on the bottom and is eating rice cereal. He likes the park and can go in the swing finally. His newest little trick is clapping. When we say "yeah" and clap, he copies. He really is a mellow baby and for the most part sleeps through the night. I love his bright blue eyes and huge smile, he is so beautiful.


Ty and Trista Swartzlander said...

I love these pictures. I miss you guys. It is almost sad how fast our little ones have grown up. I love the Nanny-nanny-boo-boo. She is so cute. I am excited to see Tyler's new trick. See you soon.

The Nelsons said...

I love your page Kim. It is so fun seeing pics and hearing cute stories of your family. Wow, Ethan looks so grown up going to school. i can not believe it.